Sweet Bergamot 200 ml Conf. 12 Pz


sweetened bergamot, made only from a selection of the best varieties of bergamots, a fine quality. Sweet taste with a sour aftertaste, which makes it very thirst-quenching. Ingredients: Bergamot juice (35% minimum), sugar, water. Glass bottle from 200 ml in packs of 12.

Bergamot juice: property

There are now several scientific studies that confirm what the tradition had already intuited: bergamot has several beneficial properties and contains many substances with proven health effects on the human body. Here are the main ones.

Anticolesterol. In 2009 the Journal of Natural Products has published scientific research showing that i flavonoids contained in bergamot have an action very similar to that of synthetic statins, or block the enzymes of cholesterol synthesis.

Other studies carried out on patients with high cholesterol show that the use of bergamot juice also contributes to reduce LDL levels, "bad" cholesterol, and ad raise HDL levels, "good" cholesterol.

Hypoglycemic. La Naringenina, polyphenol contained in bergamot juice, in addition to the "anti-cholesterol" activity just seen, increases theassimilation of glucose in the muscles and liver, therefore it contributes to decrease blood glucose levels and to improve the activity ofinsulin.

Anti free radicals. The antioxidant properties of bergamot juice are due to the flavonoids it contains, which increase the activity of enzymes with antioxidant action, limit the production of free radicals on the walls of blood vessels and counteract inflammatory mechanisms.

Vitaminizzante. Given the high content in C vitamin, B1, B2, that improve the absorption of iron, bergamot juice is useful in supporting the therapies for anemia.

Stimulating for the appetite, anti intestinal parasites. These properties are to be attributed to the high concentrations of citric acid.



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